11月16日神戸の里山を知ろう、守ろう 申込


Signing up was closed.

Let's discover and protect Satoyama in Kobe! Sigh up

場所:KICC新長田集合 バスにて北区へ移動 有馬温泉もしくはKICC新長田で解散(選択可)
Gather at KICC Shin-Nagata  Move to Kita-ku by bus 
Dissolve at Arima Onsen or KICC Shin-Nagata (either can be selected)

The event may be used to promote Kobe City and KICC, by taking pictures of the event.

Please fill out a short questionnaire at the end of the event.

If you wish to cancel after registering, please let KICC know by e-mail.

The personal information to be obtained will be used to inform and contact you about this event, register for this event, and provide event information and other information from the Center. It will not be provided to any third party.
Please click here to view the Kobe International Community Center Foundation's privacy policy.

Please note the above before registering for this event.