• Multilingual Support
    Multilingual Support
  • Multilingual Support

    Multilingual Support

The Kobe International Community Center (KICC) strives to boost the international spirit of our city by promoting international exchanges among our citizens and working to create intercultural communities. We offer assistance in many languages, providing various services aimed at promoting international exchanges, daily life advice and comprehensive information about municipal services. We look forward to serving you!

1 Daily Life Information and Consultations in Various Languages

KICC provides supports for foreign residents in Kobe in 11 languages.

Tel: 078-742-8705
Opening times: 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 on weekdays (phone lines open from 9:00)
Available Services: Consultation on daily life, providing information on Kobe city administration and various information on daily life.

Language Availability

*In case the interpreters are unavailable, we also have access to remote interpreting services via tablet

2 Consultations by Professional

Gyoseishoshi Lawyer (By appointment only)

  • Service Offered

    Counseling on immigration, residential status, naturalization and other administrative procedures.

  • Days


    1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month.


  • Hours


Immigration Services Agency (By appointment only)

  • Service Offered

    General information related to immigration procedures, residential status, etc.

  • Days


    2nd Fridays of every month.


  • Hours


3 Interpretation Services

Phone Interpreting Service

  • Service Offered

    We provide interpretation service by telephone at ward offices for those who do not fully
    understand Japanese.

  • Days


    Please check the "Language Availability" above.
  • Hours




Interpreter Dispatch Service (By appointment only)

  • Service Offered

    A volunteer interpreting service (free of charge) is available for non-Japanese speakers living in Kobe who need assistance when making registrations or applications, or seeking consultation at their ward office

  • Days


    Please check the "Language Availability" above.
  • Hours


    Up to 2 hours from 9:00 to 17:00.



Asta Kunizuka 1-Bankan, South Building 4F
5-3-1, Udezuka-cho, Nagata-ku, Kobe 653-0036
TEL: 078-742-8705
FAX: 078-691-5553

KICC’s Mascot, Kokko-chan!

KICCマスコットキャラクター カモメの「コッコ」

Hi there! I'm Kokko, the KICCs seagull mascot. My name comes from the "Ko" in "Kobe", "kokusai" (meaning "international") and "Kouryu" (meaning "exchange" or "networking"). My head is based on an image of the Earth, and my necktie is inspired by Kobe City's Port Tower. I'm very glad to meet you. Yoroshiku, ne!

May 29th (The same day that KICC was founded)
A happy and cheerful girl who loves adventure
Viewing Kobe from Port Tower Occasionally going fishing Traveling
Special Talent
She can draw all the flags of the world
Her Dream
To become an expert (?) in languages (In fact, she is studying now!)
The truth is...
If she tries really, really hard, she can fly!